Our Lady's Church has partnered with St. Aloysius' religious education program. The first Sunday of each month is "Teaching Sunday" where students gather in the Father Andrew White classrooms and parents gather in the gymnasium. They also have some optional family fun activities throughout each month: On the second Sunday of each month they will have "Movie Sunday" and the third Sunday is "Community Sunday". This program is for Kindergarten through 8th grade. The program time is 9:15am-10:30am. For "Teaching Sunday", attendance is required, while "Movie Sunday" and "Community Sunday" are optional.
For the 2nd and 8th grades, Our Lady's Church students will receive the Sacraments of Holy Communion and Confirmation at Our Lady’s Church.
Everyone will need to register and pay St. Aloysius. The cost is $35 (family registration fee) and $25 per child. You need to register online at:
We are in need of volunteers to help with the program. This is now the St. Aloysius & Our Lady's Religious Education Program so we hope to have a good Our Lady's presence there. The volunteer commitment is for "Teaching Sunday" (the first Sunday of the month).
To volunteer, please contact the parish office at olcmedleysneck@gmail.com